A selection of special books:
Rob Top: Western Shamanism and the Vision Quest Published by Rozhanitsa, Kampen. ISBN: 9789079249077
Allan Watts: The bundle The way of thinking. Published by AnkhHermes.
The various books of Hal and Sidra Stone
The Delos reading Room articles and FAQs: voicedialogueinternational.com/reading-index.htm
Sun Bear & Wabun The Medicine Wheel
Krisnamurti Inner freedom
Chogyam Trungpa: Spiritual Materialism
Eckhart Tolle A New Earth
Carlos Casteneda; His books like The fire from Within
Llyn Roberts: Her books like Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness
Daan van Kampenhout: Handbook Shamanism
Hyemeyohst’s Storm: Seven Arrows
John Perkins: Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation
Ken Eagle Feather: Tracking Freedom. A Guide to Personal Evolution. ISBN 1-57174-093-7
Wilfried Belles: Life has no turning back (the fundamentals of the life integration process)
Bertie Hendriks: Diary of the soul
Wibe Veenbaas & Joke Goudswaard Sparks of desire Systemic Work, Perspective And Practice